Monday, December 01, 2008

UFC Final (maybe)

OK, so this is my (possibly) final posting on the UFC. After reading Mike's well written explanation of his position on this, I see his point. I have actually decided I agree with him to a point on some points as well.

1. I still do not agree with the comparison to boxing as UFC is many times more brutal and violent. That is like comparing a kissing scene in a PG movie to XXX.
2. I don't really agree with the "boys being boys" statement. Boys also tend to want to lie, cheat, steal, and a lot of other things like it by nature, and those things you would likely call sin. The tendancy for violence would be more towards the side of sin as this is the desire to hurt others, NOT the desire to defend yourself. I can live with you saying it is ok to defend yourself, but it is not ok to pick a fight. That is the same as saying it is ok to drink, but it is not ok to abuse alcohol. Also, I have never even as a kid had the desire to beat someones butt bloody, I have been so mad I wanted to hit someone, but that is different. I think this is a personality trait maybe?
3. Where as your statement about UFC being like video games and TV in promoting violence in kids is a good point, I will counter with the point that just because there are other examples of something bad doesn't excuse another. I don't fundamentally believe that we should have violent movies or video games at all. Since that is impossible in a world of sin, it is futile to even make such a statement. That does not excuse the UFC.

Next, your comments about taking the whole bible and not just parts are a bit misguided. If you can apply your logic this way, then I can also say it is ok to have a concubine since they did in the OT. Or I could say that I need to sacrifice a goat to forgive my sin. Christ did fundamentally change things. I believe to some degree this includes fighting and violent. With that said, there is not a whole lot of fighting in the NT now is there? It seems to be more along the lines of trying to bring your adversary to Christ instead of beating their brains out. Now there are a lot of examples of that. The OT was beat their brains out, but after Christ it was defend yourself only. I think this is were you are going wrong in your thinking, or at least it doesn't seem to be integrated in as it should with a Christian. Now, I am not stupid. If there is a baseball bat flying at my head I am not going to "take one for Jesus", but I shouldn't pick up a chair and throw it either (although I probably would).

What we see in the UFC is not defense in many cases (in some it is like some forms of wrestling and grapling). Defense is the prevention of damage to ones self. In the UFC you must also have Offense. This is NOT required to defend yourself in the real world. Defense would be putting someone in a hold or doing a pain pinch or something that does not do any harm to an individual. Beating their face until it is battered and torn is not defense. Put the lip-stick on that pig anyway you like, but it is still a pig. If it was truly defense, and not offense, it would really be pretty boring. The beating is what is selling the tickets. So, I believe your position breaks down here since I don't see how you can justify the total arse-whoopins that go on in this sport.

I believe I will have to leave this in the realm of a combination of "agree to disagree" and put this into the classification of alcohol where it is something that is not necessary, but OK in moderation, but it becomes very bad when abused.

So, lastly, I will accept the desire to defend yourself. I accept the competition (to some degree) points about comparing fighting styles. You make some other good points as well.

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