I have an "anonymous poster"! God forbid that you admit your identity as we know that would mean that we know who this idiot is! Let me quote this idiot to refresh you all:
“I think it was just meant to express his feelings about how ultra right wingers or I guess we can now call them the religious right, since religion seems to play such a great role in politics these days, believe there is no such thing as the greenhouse effect. I'm just sayin'...”
This was in response to my post about farts and blood pressure. Wow, I am so sad that self proclaimed scientists of the world are so freakin stupid. We are doomed for sure.
He also said (assuming it is a male, which is not necessarily true):
“What a utopia with only christians, right? None of those pesky folks with scientific minds that believe earthly resources are being consumed at an alarming rate.”
Ok, let us get to the facts here. First, what do we know about this person? Let’s analyze:
1. He hates “ultra-right-wingers” and anyone who disagrees with him is some evil plague to the world. Typical “ultra-left-winger” talk. It is sort of funny how there is such a large cult of haters out there. They want us to blindly accept their beliefs and put a huge filter on half of the truth out there, and what does that do? Turns you into an ultra-left-wing-liberal jaw flapping jerk whose sole purpose in life is to trying annoy people.
2. He is stupid. He says things like “the religious right doesn’t believe there is a greenhouse effect”. I don’t recall EVER hearing ANYONE say there is no greenhouse effect. There is CLEARLY a greenhouse effect! That would be like saying “there no idiots like you in the world”. What WE on the opposing side of this argument say is that there is NO PROOF that the greenhouse gases such as CO2 are the key and main ingredient in global warming. We believe in certain key elements in the universe that you dumbasses tend to deny, like the fact that we have a star in our solar system. No, it can’t be the sun effecting global warming! Now, with that said, once you people start to provide some proof of a correlation between greenhouse gases and global warming, and that it has nothing to do with sun cycles, or anything like that, then we will listen. We, as in “my group” want to consider ALL the facts, not just the ones that bolster your side of the argument. The end point being that we don’t want to shut the world down simply because you people want to.
3. We do need to worry about global warming, we should be looking at ways to curb greenhouse gases, but if you simply go and shut down all the power plants, factories, automobiles, and quit farting, all you are going to do is make China, who is already rapidly outdoing us in everything out do us or even do us in even quicker. They certainly aren’t going to stop polluting. If we stopped 100% of our GHGs we would only slow global warming by like 20%, which gives you a few more years before your beachfront condo is underwater. Just sell it now. That will only grow exponentially worse moving forward. Why don’t you move to China and do your worrying there were it is really needed?
4. You a scientific mind? Hahahahahah, that is some seriously funny stuff! What is your IQ little person, 90… 80…? Forest Gump would whoop you in a game of tic-tac-toe over and over and over. Second, you are a fool if you think no scientists are Christians. C.S Lewis, somebody infinitely more intelligent than yourself sought out to prove scientifically that Christianity was false, and what happened? He failed, and became a Christian. The truth is you know NOTHING about Christianity other than what you hear on the news, which in-case you didn’t know has a liberal bias, and thus a bias against Christianity. A true scientist would be truly unbiased in both global warming and Christianity. You are neither, which means you are an idiot.
5. We are consuming resources at an alarming rate. Who would argue that? Some may say “who cares, Christ will return soon”, and those people are also idiots. The problem is that it is you idiots doing most of the consuming! Read this, you idiot. You and your Hollywood loneybin friends are the worst violators of this!
http://www.snopes.com/politics/bush/house.asp6. Lastly, the Onion is VERY LIBERAL PAPER! It is for HUMOR! They wrote the Al Gore article, because it was FUNNY! Only you “scientific minded idiots” would turn this into a Christian thing. To sum it all up, lets refer to this cartoon:

It is so unbelievably hysterical to actually say that “liberals are smart or scientific”. The truth is exactly what this cartoon says, but the difference being that liberal politicians will say anything to get elected. Look at all the ridiculously unachievable promises that Obama made in this election! He is not a dumb guy, he knows this too, but will say it because he knows that the bulk of the populous is too dumb to know the difference, and YOU are proof of that! The other side of the coin is academic people. They live in an idealistic dream world that doesn’t work in reality. This has always and will always be true. I read this recently:
"One of the big debates over the past half-decade was whether China had reached a point in its economic development at which its internal economic gravity would allow it to "decouple" from the global economy. If so, it could continue along its fantastic growth trajectory, even as growth in the U.S. or Europe ceased or reversed. That may sound like gobbledygook, but it's important. The U.S. has a $20 billion monthly trade deficit with China. It's funded by China's willingness to hold U.S. treasuries in its Central Bank (essentially, we're borrowing the money). China manages the arrangement by pegging its currency (the yuan) to the dollar at an artificially low rate, and by not worrying so much about certain niceties like environmental regulation and labor protection."
This outlines the fundamental problem. Liberals want to do all this stuff to protect the world, which is idealistically great. But since China, who will very soon completely dwarf us economically doesn’t care about all that. So what happens? We become what China was, starving people with no jobs, and they prosper as we were before you liberals came along and screwed it up for everyone. Look at France. They are a perfect example of what you dorks cause. A government that gives money to everyone, and a lazy population that is not replenishing that money. It runs out eventually buddy. I am all in favor of helping the poor, but the way you want to do it isn’t going to work. Look at the USSR. Didn’t we learn anything there? Why don’t you move to France. They are perfect for you as you will fit right in with all the other low IQ liberals.
Again, too be clear, I am in favor of environmental protection, and labor protection. But what we see now is that our reaction to these things is starting to bury us. Instead of whining to me, go whine to China!