Monday, October 23, 2006

What in the world is a Blog for??!?!?!

Well, I have figured out what a Blog is for (duh). It is for updating everyone who knows you in one place, at one time, and keeping it around as a running record of such things. As my mom said, she is "learning things about me she didn't know" or something like that. Well, yeah, I suppose there are several factors there, mainly email takes a while to get everything out. Second, when you are writting it, you really don't have a thought-out plan for constructing an individual email to a specific person at the time you are writting it, and if you had to tell everyone everything that you could tell them, you would be writing all the time.

With that said, what is the point of this post? Hmmmm.... I haven't thought about it much ;) What was I talking about?

Oh, I know! Ok, with that said, I have a few people ask me what is going on in my life, but I rarely say much about it. Well, the truth is that there really isn't much to say, plus do you really want to hear me ramble on about my boring life? Well, that is the other purpose for a blog, to allow you the choice of whether you want to be bored or not. So, I will try and put something a little more interesting up hear, and if it isn't interesting, I will do my best to make it interesting.

Ok, I just want to say a few things that bug me:
1. When people say "irregardless". That is NOT a word. It is just "regardless", no "irr".
2. When people say "heigth". Heighth is not a word, never has been a word, and never will be a word. What you mean is "height", no "TH" at the end, just a T and a T sound. It is not "length, width, and heigth", it is "length, width, and heighT"
3. When people say "Expresso". It is "ESSpress" with an S, not an X. I am sure some goofy company somewhere sells "Expresso", but it is probably mud-water, not a small, strong, pressure brewed cup of coffee most often made with strong/dark roasted beans.
4. When people say "whether or not yada yada". Proper English is "whether yada yada or not".
5. Sloppy wet oral noises, most often associated with eating (unfortunately that means everyone bugs me, and I bug myself too), talking (which is only a few people, and often associated with dry mouth, or nervousness), and occassionally just sitting there doing nothing, which frankly is the worst kind, and in one case, the process of itching ones throat (which gives me hives). If you are just sitting there, and a cacophany of smackly wet noises are eminating from your facial orafice, you really need to quit that. The only excuss you have is if you are over 80, have false teeth, parkinsons disease or some other neurological disorder, or just simply like to annoy me, in which case I will just leave (which may be exactly what you wanted, so we are both happy).

Ok, now you know more about me. I am glad you do as I have been itching to tell everyone that for years. Please adjust your behavior accordingly. Please note that anyone violating my annoyances deliberately will be subject to a severe thrashing with a wet spaghetti noodle.


Anonymous said...

Do you have too much time on your hands? ;)

BTW- espresso doesn't have to be brewed with dark roasted beans.
You know mine's not, man. :)

I Eat Dentists said...

I said USUALLY... COFFEE SNOB PUNK Cheese Head Wannabee! ;)

Anonymous said...

I knew about your hating oral moist noises...I also have a friend who hates the word 'moist'
She finds that to be a very weak adjective for some reason...
Funny Thanksgiving Story, BTW!