Friday, November 03, 2006

May I Bable at you for a while?

Hello, I would like you to meet my bable fish. Thats with a "short a" like BABylon, NOT like BABE, or BABY for all you gits out there. You don't BABEl on about stuff, nor hear about the tower of BABEl.

Git, lets see, Tom Cruise is a Git! I hope his aliens come for him soon, cuz he is making our planet STINK! Hope they talk the rest of the looneyologists with them.

So, can I go on and talk about nothing? Nothing is actually something. Having nothing is something, cuz that something is nothing, but it is still something. Being nothing is something. Confused? Good. So talking about nothing is something, so it has meaning and context in this context, which is really nothing but something.

Reese Peanutbutter Cups ROCK. Yum, maow, chow, grub, smack, drool, growl.

What doesn't rock? Raw or lightly cooked onion, beets, coconut, and radishes.

What about swamp cabbage? En-Choy? Yeah baby! Good stuff.

Thai food is divine. I am starting a new hobby of cooking Thai food. I have lots of ingredients, and some really good recipes acquired through dangerous back-channels on the very black market. It is definitely an art form, and will take lots of practice, and lots of eating. I am a very big fan. Now that our eating out budget is about nothing, I need to bring the out in, and take the in out. If out is in and in is out, doesn't that make out out and in in? Wait, no it is the opposite. No, in is is, and out is out, so the... wait a minute...

I dare you to step across this line!


Alright, cat. Take your package and scram.

What??!? No gravy? Next time, don't forget the gravy!

G U N P O W D E R... tobacco.

Belvadear... come here boy!

Pss, hey Guido, its all so clear to me now. I'm the keeper of the cheese and you're the lemon merchant, you get it? And he knows it. That's why he's gonna kill us. So we got to beat it, ya, before he let's loose the marmosets on us. Don't worry little missy, I'll save you.

Oh, my beloved ice-cream bar. How I love to lick your creamy center.
[Ren eats bar of soap]
And your oh, so nutty chocolate covering. You're not like the others. You like the same things I do: Wax paper. Boiled football leather. Dog breath. We're not hitchhiking anymore. We're riding!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gracious, son, couldn't you have taken time to at least mention some of you "real" life and activities or email your mom a couple of lines???????????