Monday, April 16, 2007

Mothers are always your best friend...

Of course that depends on the definition of friend...

This definition implies one who is always there for you, and more specifically, one that is always in your corner on everything, regardless of the facts. Facts or maybe more of a personal interpretation of the subject.

Lets look at a few examples: "Son, you are the most handsome boy in the world". This one is pretty obvious. I am NOT the most handsome boy in the world. Another would be "mom, does this huge bleeding puss leaking zit on the tip of my nose look bad?", "no son, it makes you look more handsome than ever". So, mothers always see their children as being much more than they are. This is ok of course, at least to some degree. Kids need encouragement, and this is a great way to build them up.

This has a side effect as well in that kids will not necessarily always believe anything a mother says in those regards if it is over used. When my mother tells me I am handsome, I completely disregard the statement since I know she would say that if I looked more like a pile of camel dung than I already do.

Continuing with that thought, that begs the question of whether some more honesty might be a better method or not. Maybe a mother should say, "no son, you look like a pile of camel dung", if a child looks like a pile of camel dung. This might better prepare a child for the world in that the child will not have the false pretense that they don't look like a pile of camel dung when they really do. This could set them up for a pretty big let down when they find out.

Regardless, we appreciate our mothers, honest or not. And again, they are being honest, because they really believe it, at least most of the time. They put on the mothers filters, and never take them off. At the end of the day, it is nice to always have that one person that can see you as something other than looking like a pile of camel dung.

What was my point? Not really sure I guess...

TG4 Mothers!


Anonymous said...

I understand exactly! Wonder how mom will take it? You may want to keep this blog in mind though as your own grow up!

Anonymous said...

I've never thought of a mother or father, grandparents for that matter as a best friend.
A friend would not be some one who would discipline you and be an authority figure for one. Therefore, I've never thought of a mother as a best friend, not at least until her son or daughter is an adult and doesn't need her to play the disciplinary role in his/her life.

Anonymous said...

HMMMMMM! Well, in your case, Eric, you are handsome so I don't even have to exaggerate when I say it. So there!! But of course, I would love you anyway if you did look like camel dung, which you don't so no problem!!!!

I Eat Dentists said...

Mr/Mrs anonymous,

I think you missed my point. I was not talking about friendship, like "hey, lets go to the mall and get our hair done" type friend, but more in that they are the only person who will always be there for you, say what you need (or what they think you need) to hear, and always build you up, etc. I think if you look at the definition of a best friend, you will see what I mean. Then again not all mothers are as great as mine.

Also, why do people post anonymously? Are you hiding your identity?