Monday, November 19, 2007

I am alive!

Ok, so I haven’t posted in a while. Not that I have any fans begging for more or anything, and much of what many of you would want to hear you know already, or you can get on K’s site. Today I have 10 minutes left in the day, and I am just simply done. I can’t stomach anymore concentration.

Anyway, it has been a good fall mostly. With new kid Brendan on the way, things are looking busy for the spring. We are looking at Mini-vans, and amazingly, I am not opposed to getting one. I know some people won’t get one, but hey, they are more accommodating for families than an SUV. How many of you really go driving around off-road anyway, so what is the point of an SUV? Have you still got this high-school, I wanna be cool thing going on? Give it up. You are a parent. That means you are no longer cool, so don’t fight it!

We are going to Indiana to be with my family this Thanksgiving. We will go Wednesday and come back on Saturday. It should be a great time. Ian is to the stage now where he travels pretty well (besides pulling out his hair on one entire side of his head while he sits there bored) and does very well away from home. He sleeps well regardless of where he is, and doesn’t get particularly upset about a new location or not being home.

Sunday we put up or Christmas tree and decorations. We have not really done much with that in the last many years, but now that Ian is around and loves lights and stuff, we will do more. It will be interesting to see how he reacts to the Christmas tree this year. I will also get out my Lego train for him to watch go around the tree. Since the dog is now confined to the kitchen and living room, and the tree takes up a pretty fair chunk of the living room, her space will now be reduced to less.

I think it is time to take the dog out hunting with only me returning. Of course Katrina loves that dog, which means I have to put up with poop, pee, fur EVERYWHERE, MASSIVE STINK EVERYWHERE, shredded garbage, walking, getting in my way, feeding, watering, ruining floors and other things, dirty everything anywhere she goes (our futon needs a bath), and so on and so on and so on… Dogs suck. If you like dogs, more power to ya. You can have mine too. I am hoping it kicks it as I write. I only tolerate it because it is Katrina’s dog, and she loves it, so by default I have to begrudgingly tolerate it, and force myself to like it. It will be time to fumigate and spend the 10 gazillion dollars and 10 gazillion hours it will take to recover from this stinky beast. I will NEVER... EVER... have a dog again. Well, if somebody gave me a million dollars to adopt a dog, I probably would. In fact I would do it for 100k, but probably no less.

Wo… where did that come from?


Kristin said...

We were starting to wonder, so were glad to read your post. Sean got a chuckle out of your comments about the dog. Does Ginger still have her monkey??

Anonymous said...

I personally think minivans are great. We love ours!! I would have bought a Toyota if we had had the extra money! But our Town and Country is great thus far. As far as dogs go, I agree I never want another one. The ones we had were nothing but a pain and much work and trouble!!

michael said...

A LEGO train around the tree? That's a great idea! Except the kids are too busy playing with and pulling at the ornaments, not to mention trying to eat the candy canes that we having hanging on it. So a train would probably get trampled on. Since it's LEGO though, it would be cool enough to warrant the extra effort.

How about posting a picture of your tree with the train around it?