Monday, March 17, 2008

Global Warming... again

I had to comment about Mike's "liberal friend's" comment. Ok, so lets analyze this bias thing. Stating that Al Gore's "mythical consensus" is not true is not true. Confused? Sure, I say that this is a fact. It is NOT true that there is a huge vast consensus among all the worlds scientists about global warming, in fact quite the contrary. I challenge anyone to find a published article that has "unbiased" polling of all related scientists, or anyone that has any relevancy to the field that say there is a consensus.

Also, where as there may be some people who are touting that there is no global warming for the sake of money, but also the opposite is true. There are A LOT of researchers who's funds depend on global warming. There is a lot of people around the worlds that would be out of a job if it was just a myth.

The fact remains that we simply do not understand the world we live in from a long term geo-historical perspective enough to really say for sure. I don't think we should just blow all global warming as a myth until it is proven so. To do so would be folly. At the same time, I don't think that we should get rid of all our gas engines and shut down all the factories either. I personally like the world we live in to at least some degree and prefer not to revert back to the stone ages as the Al Gores of the world would have us. Also, your buddy Al Gore probably consumes 10x more goods and energy as any of us combine. This is just is little platform to have something to do. I would wager he doesn't give a rats rectum about global warming other than it makes him a lot of money.

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