Friday, June 27, 2008

More on Global Warming

This is primarily for Mike, since I seriously doubt anyone (other than Demel) that reads my blog cares about it. I found a post with some good links against GW.,25197,23411799-7583,00.html

The summary of this one is that recent data from the Aqua satellite indicates that the effects of CO2 are not even close to effecting warming as that idiot Al Gore and his army of grunts says.

A good clip:

Duffy: "From what you're saying, it sounds like the implications of this could beconsiderable ..."

Marohasy: "That's right, very much so. The policy implications are enormous. The meteorological community at the moment is really just coming to terms with the output from this NASA Aqua satellite and (climate scientist) Roy Spencer's interpretation of them. His work is published, his work is accepted, but I think people are still in shock at this point."

If Marohasy is anywhere near right about the impending collapse of the global warming paradigm, life will suddenly become a whole lot more interesting.

A great many founts of authority, from the Royal Society to the UN, most heads of government along with countless captains of industry, learned professors, commentators and journalists will be profoundly embarrassed. Let us hope it is a prolonged and chastening experience.

With catastrophe off the agenda, for most people the fog of millennial gloom will lift, at least until attention turns to the prospect of the next ice age. Among the better educated, the sceptical cast of mind that is the basis of empiricism will once again be back in fashion. The delusion that by recycling and catching public transport we can help save the planet will quickly come to be seen for the childish nonsense it was all along.

The poorest Indians and Chinese will be left in peace to work their way towards prosperity, without being badgered about the size of their carbon footprint, a concept that for most of us will soon be one with Nineveh and Tyre, clean forgotten in six months.

The scores of town planners in Australia building empires out of regulating what can and can't be built on low-lying shorelines will have to come to terms with the fact inundation no longer impends and find something more plausible to do. The same is true of the bureaucrats planning to accommodate "climate refugees".

Penny Wong's climate mega-portfolio will suddenly be as ephemeral as the ministries for the year 2000 that state governments used to entrust to junior ministers. Malcolm Turnbull will have to reinvent himself at vast speed as a climate change sceptic and the Prime Minister will have to kiss goodbye what he likes to call the great moral issue and policy challenge of our times.

It will all be vastly entertaining to watch.

This one is more of a good stab at GW with fire. Partially backed with facts, but this is more of a reality check for the GW DS's.

This one is pretty good. I think it summarizes many known facts debunking Al Gores brain as being anything but silly-putty. this line sums it up.

The roughly 50 computer experts and scientists who form the core advisory group for the IPCC’s stance must have realized for several years now that the game was up. There is indeed copious evidence that climate is changing, as it always has; and that natural biological and physico-chemical systems - again as always - are changing in response. But as to human causation – the evidential cupboard is bare.

This guy is a middle man, but he quotes the "messiah" of the GW religeon (Al Gore is the prophet). This is one of the funniest things because this is EXACTLY the argument that the opposition has been saying for years, and he has been ignoring. That is so stinking ironic it is unbelievable.

Rajendra Pachauri, the head of the U.N. Panel that shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, said he would look into the apparent temperature plateau so far this century.

"One would really have to see on the basis of some analysis what this really represents," he told Reuters, adding "are there natural factors compensating?" for increases in greenhouse gases from human activities.

He added that sceptics about a human role in climate change delighted in hints that temperatures might not be rising. "There are some people who would want to find every single excuse to say that this is all hogwash," he said.

I like this quote:

The IPCC report1 concludes
that the contribution of solar
variability to global warming is negligible,
to a certainty of 95%. It is reported
that the “majority” believes the average
warming observed since the beginning
of the industrial era is due to the increase
in anthropogenic greenhouse gas
concentrations in the atmosphere.

Ok, so... are you high? Are you retarded? Are you a complete fool? What?!? The sun has no impact on warming of the earth? OH....MY....GOLLLLY! That is like me saying that the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki had no impact on the deaths from that day through the next several decades, with a 95% certainty, and it was from natural causes.

The point of the article is to show what data is NOT taken into account by the Al Gores of the world. The truth is that Al Gore is WAY too stupid to understand this stuff.

I have yet to finish this as I post, but hey, how can you ignore this stuff?

So, ok Mike, stuff this one down your "Al Gore wannabe" friend's throat. If he bites, then he is an infected zombie of this cult movement.

Oh, and if you can't tell, I have pretty much now ruled out GW as being anything be fraud.

I cannot deny that CO2 gases are up, HOWEVER, is it not true that during the reign of the dinos that levels were 10x or so what they are today? The earth did just fine then. There was enough plant life to support way more creatures, and way larger creatures than there is today, so with the population of the planet WAY out of control, BRING IT ON!

Other than CO2, which apparently isn't having an effect, they are just a bunch of pot smokers looking for something to do.

1 comment:

michael said...

I have another good link for you: